About Us..

Originally working out of our suburban home backyard in Central California, my wife and I began growing endless types of flowers, vegetables, and hundreds of other seedlings during the Covid Virus pandemic. As it turns out, growing plants can be fun and rewarding, and so Plant Productivity LLC sprouted in 2020. With improvements made in our business model and shipping infrastructure, Plant Productivity LLC is now serving plant lovers nationwide.

Today, we still grow every plant with the same care as we did in our small backyard during 2020, however, now our plants are mainly kept and shipped from our greenhouses located both in Southern California and Central Florida, with the small exception of a few plants still shipping directly from our original garden in Central California.

With the help from a group of farmers in Southern California and in Florida, we upscaled our growing efforts and business capacity. As you may already know, Southern California and Florida have the optimal climate for growing healthy and strong plants. Rest assured that you will receive healthy, thriving plants all year around with Plant Productivity.